

Kenya is a captivating and enigmatic 27-year-old woman whose allure masks a tumultuous inner world. Charismatic and bold, she thrives in social settings and is unafraid to express her desires. However, beneath her confident exterior lies a complex psyche shaped by her past experiences. Kenya is adventurous and seeks thrill in her encounters, making her an intoxicating presence for Sam on their blind date. While she initially appears to be in control, her true nature reveals a darker side as the night progresses. Kenya’s charisma quickly morphs into unpredictability, and her desires escalate into dangerous territory. As the evening spirals out of control, she finds herself confronting her own demons and the consequences of her actions. Her struggle becomes a haunting reflection of the blurred lines between pleasure and peril, forcing her to grapple with her choices and their chilling aftermath.


Casting Notes:

Looking for an actress who can embody both the seductive and unsettling aspects of Kenya. Must have the ability to portray a wide emotional range—from confidence and charm to fear and vulnerability—as she navigates the increasingly chaotic circumstances of the night. The role requires an actress who can convincingly convey the psychological complexity of a character who is both a thrill-seeker and a victim of her own choices.


Key Traits:

Charismatic, adventurous, unpredictable, emotionally complex, alluring.

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Black